So I know that when we seek, we shall find, and when we ask, God will answer and give us what we need. BUT I firmly believe that we get caught up in looking for and asking for the wrong things. We seek love and relationship, when God is right here with us. (He's probably waiting for us to open our eyes so he can say "Yo, I've been here the whole time and I've loved you longer than you've been able to breathe.") However I want to talk about what we ASK for.
The Holidays are upon us and everyone is telling Santa what they want. I have a few problems with that.
2) Be thankful for what you have and don't be whinny about all the crap you don't get. Cause it's just crap you don't need. (I'll be honest, I've been asking my parents for stuff I probably don't need. BUT I'm not being a baby about it. EX: "Hey mom, it would be really cool if I had some more tennis stuff, or even a ukelele but hey I can live without it."
3) Focus on what you NEED. 'nuff said
4) Can we just be happy with each others company? I love my family and just want(need?) everyone to get together and have a good time.
Ok. Let me elaborate on number 5. Some people ask for more $$, to be skinny, or to be smarter. All of those things you can work on yourself...stop being lazy. (Laziness is something I have to work on myself, so I'm telling myself that) However, why don't we ask God to grant us with wisdom? For reals though?!?! Just look up Proverbs 8 and let's chat about this.
-Wisdom is being characterized as a person who is calling out to us. She speaks what is true and I think we could all use a little bit of that. And wisdom should be our choice over silver and gold!
-Proverbs 8:11 this is my favorite description of wisdom. "for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." So rubies are pretty fabulous....wisdom is better. You could think of anything you want but it doesn't come close to being better than wisdom
-The other thing that I absolutely love about this Proverb is the 'origin' of wisdom'. Wisdom has been around FOREVER. Like, literally. Before oceans, mountains, and earth itself. "...I was the craftsman at his side..." By God's wisdom the earth was made. Woah! THAT IS AWESOME! Wisdom helped create this world so I think it would help you to have it.
Let's think about this. Next time I ask God for something, I will ask for wisdom. If you are unsure ask think about the pros and cons.
Cons: have you even been reading this blog because I see none.
PROS: If you love wisdom, wisdom will love you. The fruit of wisdom is better than gold! It brings blessings, life, and favor.
And all this is just from my 15 min Bible study. So needless to say....there's more to Wisdom than this.
So next time you find yourself asking God for stuff you want, remember what you need. And ask for wisdom because I think it is worth it.