Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Isn't it wonderful to discover new things? I can answer that for you. Yes. Yes it is. It is absolutely amazing to experience something for the first time. When you are living in a different country, you almost experience something new every day. New phrases, new foods, new friends, new customs, new adventures, and more.

But what is even better is discovering new things about our creator and Father, God. I thought that the reason I came to Africa was to discover the next step for my life. While I believe that I have discovered a few things around that, I realized that I was wrong. God is meeting me here. I am learning more about who He is and who He has made me to be. Now you might be thinking this post is going to be about self-discovery and what not. Well, it's not. I am trying to emphasize the relationship part. I am discovering God as my friend. I can't tell you how long I've known this because it seems like forever. But I didn't ginosko know. Ginosko is the greek word for understanding not just knowing. So you know you are a child of God, but do you understand what that means???? You are adopted, and given inheritance and now you can be an ambassador for your daddy.

One of the first messages I heard here at Hatfield Christian Church was about ginosko. Now, this message did not impact me immediately. But hindsight is 20/20, and looking back on just this first term, I am realizing how important it is to know and EXPERIENCE God. Here at YOYL, I have time to wait and listen for God. We have even practiced hearing His voice. I do not even know how to put in words what it feels like to open yourself up and place yourself in God's arms. It is the most comfortable place in this world. And wherever you go, you are home. All you need to do is turn and fall into His arms. "He alone is my refuge, my place of safety, He is my God, and I trust Him." Psalm 91:2

Woah. Am I getting side tracked? Yes. So, discovery, the uncovering of something new.

You can be a baby Christian or a grandfather Christian and still not ever discover this. The beautiful reality that is God's love. But it does not stop there. Daddy God loves us too much to leave us where we are, and He cares for us so much, He wants to give us everything! He has the best for us because He is the BEST for us. Once I realized this it really simplified things for me. Now, understand that lately I've been in a season of simplifying but this is no easy task. I would have so many questions, I felt like a three year old that always asks dad "Why?" There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but for me in this season I feel God bringing me back down to the foundation He's built for me so we can get back on the same page to build up. So discovering the simplicities of His love has really helped me come to term with all my questions. I am completely at peace now.

And through this peace, He is revealing more of His plan for me. Before, I would come up with my own idea of what to do with my life. Those ideas would consistently change and that ultimately led me to not know what to do with my life which made me come up with this amazing idea to go to Africa to find out. But as I mentioned earlier, that was just God's way of setting up our meeting. Now I am working with God to map out OUR future. Because that's the thing. It is not mine. I have given my life to God and He is gracious enough to let me keep my free-will so I can CHOOSE His way.

Ultimately this is my biggest discovery. That by embracing this relationship with Him, and discovering more about my father, He will lead me through life. So I am walking with God hand in hand. We are a team. A family. And the greatest journey to be on is the one that He is on.

"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." Proverbs 16:9


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Step Up

"Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity..." Hebrews 6:1

What is the first thing you think of when you hear to word maturity? I used to think of a responsible adult who was successful at their job. Yeah that's great but that is NOT what we are talking about here. I am going to tell you about maturing in faith. In this scripture the greek word for maturity also translates to completeness. Is your faith in God complete? I firmly believe that your faith can never be complete on this Earth. The day we join Jesus is when we reach full maturity and completeness.

We read this verse in our meditation time before LTS. I felt empowered to reach another maturity level in my faith. However, I realized that with maturity comes responsibility in the Kingdom. And how this responsibility is handled shows your maturity and how much you fully trust and rely on God. So I asked myself "Can you step up in faith and mature into the woman God has created you to be?" But how do you know you're ready to step up? Simple. How's your foundation. If you continue reading in Hebrews, it lays down the 'elementary truths'. Now it is not elementary in the sense that every young child should know this. It is that every new born Christian must fully understand the power of these things before they can mature. This is the foundation that God will build on. So is your foundation set?

Surely mine is good to go right? Nah. I realized after our LTS session, that there are areas in my foundation that are still setting. The concrete has been laid but now it needs time to dry and firm up. This takes time and impatience is an issue I deal with, but I am ready to sit down, shut up, and be patient.

Now when do we step up? Again, simple. Whenever you are ready, God will tell you to do something. Your obedient response is proof that you are working on maturing in faith. Sure it sounds easy to step out in faith and do what God says but are you prepared to step UP and tackle more of God's will for you? Are you ready to take on more responsibility? Once the maturity in faith is reached I am fully confident that anyone will be prepared to accept the challenge. The real issue is whether or not you are willing to obey. God is a gentleman and He will never force you to do anything, it is your choice to do as He says. So get ready, put your heart in the right place, and accept the challenge so that you may bring glory to our Lord.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Begin Again (Back to the Start)

I can not believe that the last time I blogged on this blog was a little over a year ago! Not that I have followers who have been begging for me to write. But I can't even remember the last time I wrote about what I thought. (My other blog I keep for my adventures and life experiences) I realize now that I have missed out on almost a year of writing out my thoughts...for myself! I don't care what readers think (sorry not sorry) I need this for myself because I am not an extremely expressive person but blogging releases all of that. So I will begin again.

I recently moved to South Africa for a year. I am expecting God to work and move in BIG ways this year but that's a subject of discussion for another day. Anyway, we just started LTS (Life Training School) yesterday and man my heart is getting full! My brain is overwhelmed with all this information and I've been lucky enough to have all afternoon to process what we learn in the morning. We are discussing God as our Father. I already know this but it is so refreshing to hear it again and find something new! By coming back to this blog and re-reading some of my entries I am beginning to understand more about myself. I think God is taking me back to the little girl who was on fire for everything about the Lord...and I couldn't be more excited!

I think for the past year I have been stuck in an attitude toward God. I recognize this and I will deal with it later ok. But as I sit here, 9,000+ miles away from home, I find comfort in knowing that this is where God will meet me. Even though I have messed up and been distant with Him, His love for me has not changed at all. I am sitting here dumbfounded by how much I have changed and how much God is willing to accept that and fix it. My hardened heart is going to be softened again! And what a beautiful thing that is? To know that no matter what, God will always bring you back to the start. I truly believe that this is where God is taking me. He is taking me back to where it all began, back to His heart.

How do I know to go back to the start? It's been simple really. Since I got here, I've heard worship songs from my childhood and even some of the lessons I remember talking about when I was younger. Random signs have brought me to the understanding that God wants me to travel back to the place where my heart was only about Him.

Why would I want to go back to the start? HELLO! Who wouldn't? This is completely different from starting over. This is reminding me where I come from, what He gave me, skills and desires that have been lost or forgotten along the way. There is no better place than the beginning. This is my chance to be re-molded and renewed.

This may not make any sense to anyone reading this but that's ok. My life and my journey does not need to make sense to you. It makes sense to me and I understand that God is working in mysterious ways in order to take me to the place I need to be. For now, that is the beginning. In a few months I may be in a completely different place, and that is fine with me. As long as I am in the place God puts me I shall be content. So I'm going back to the start.
