I completely agree with this! This quote has many interpretations, so here is mine.
Let me start by saying this-
I have been many places in my life. Including: Atlanta, Georgia Homer, Alaska (and some other town in Alaska) The Bahamas and almost all over Texas and this summer I'll be going to Canada! That is a whole lot of places to go! Most of these trips have been for my own leisure. Atlanta and Canada are an exception, I went (and am going) to move mountains! I never thought myself as a missionary, but it is so easy! I don't have to go to other countries to preach and reach people. After the trip to Atlanta I realized I can go out into the community and be Jesus with skin on. And like in Dr. Seuss' poem, there have been hard times but there have also been times of prospering. As I grow deeper into God's word I am recognizing His call on my life.
In my generation, it is extremely difficult to keep to your own promises and promises to others. I promised myself many things, like not dating until college (definitely keeping that one!) and other not so serious promises--like not procrastinating on the next school project. By keeping these promises I am polishing my future without even realizing it. I am beginning new habits that are good and dropping the bad habits off. Now what does this have to do with my quote? Well, honestly I don't know, I just felt like saying that. No, really. Real talk, man. I'm telling the truth. I guess what I am trying to say is that by not just focusing on the immediate satisfaction, but looking on the consequences in the long run you can only be benefitting yourself. This can come up in any aspect of your life. What music you listen to-like I mentioned in a previous blog- can make you who you are, who your friends are (I might have to elaborate on this in another blog), what activities you pursue, and of course habits. So when you are practicing any of these it is important that any decision made (whether you think it is important or not) will drastically change your future. Ok, maybe not DRASTICALLY, however some decisions do change the future drastically and some change the future in an unnoticeable way. <- Granted, eventually it will be noticed.

I only know that God's plan for me is to go out and help move mountains of all sizes.
I love it!!! Keep polishing your future! Great blog!!