I love to worship. It is my happy place. Everyone has a different way to praise the God who created us, and mine is worship. Not singing worship. Pure. Worship. It is a state of freedom and unity with the King. I love to stand in His presence and sing to him with my heart, my completely open and true heart. Not only do I sing, but I smile, dance, jump, shout, and do whatever He wants me to do to express my love for our God.
Am I talking to myself or is that a little sappy? It's the truth. Well it's how I feel after I have experienced His presence and put it into understandable words...or maybe just big words that make me sound sentimental and intelligent. Ok, whatever, worship is awesome! Why can't we always be in a state of honoring God, and giving him the glory, and always humbling ourselves before him? This should not only happen on Sunday mornings when the Worship team plays the slow moving songs. This level of intimacy with our Lord should be for a lifetime. From the time our human minds comprehend this advancement of love with God to the time when get the real thing, HEAVEN!
Can that happen? Can my mind battle the stresses of high school and drop them all and say "God you are all that matters."? Can I? Can I make jokes that are filled with humor and pureness? Can I set the next generation up for success? Can I set myself up for success? Can I stop asking these stupid questions and just praise the God that breathed life into me? Yeah, I'll do that. I believe God gave us the right to have our own decisions. It hurts Him when we do wrong but He always forgives. My challenge to you and myself is to always be in a state of worship and understand that He will return the favor. No, God isn't going to praise us when we praise Him. What I'm saying is that by having that intimacy with Him through worship He will guide us through the tough decisions. Last question: Can we do that?
Here's my prayer:
God, I pray that you will open our eyes to your understanding. Guide us into that place of intimacy with you to deepen our relationship with each other and with our peers. I pray for divine appointments in our lives and for a constant heart after you. I pray you will set our minds into pursuing you and your wishes for our lives. Guide us down your righteous path. Help our puny human brains to fully understand your love for us. And I speak out that everyone who reads this will keep this in their mind for all of time. This is not just a wave of revival. This is an unstoppable epidemic that will spread to every nation and every tongue until every heart is touched with your wisdom and an understanding that you are God and your son Jesus died for us to have this relationship with you. And I thank you so much for that.
DON'T LET IT STOP. Do the simple thing to express your true feelings. For me... I'll sing, I'll simply sing.
Holy Moly! Good one!